Glen Hansard - Sleeping
Are you sleeping?
Still dreaming?
Still drifting off alone...
not leaving with this feeling
So you'd better best be told
And how
the world did you come
To be such a lazy love?
It's so
simple, and
The path that you are on
We're not talking,
there's no secrets
There's just a note that you have gone
And all that
you've ever owned
Is packed in the hall to go
And how am I supposed
to live without
A wrong word said in anger and you were gone
I'm not listening
for signals
It's all dust now on the shelf
Are you still working? Still
Still buried in yourself?
And how in the world did we come
To have such an absent love?
And how am I supposed to live without
A wrong word said in
anger and you were gone
And how am I supposed
to live without anyone?
And how in the world did you come
To be such
a lazy love?
And where did you go?
Relax… Relax… Relax… Necesito tornar a la rutina.
És la meva primera mossegada al blog. Em van oferir participar-hi i qualsevol s'hi nega! Un petó!
que maca la cançó:) germaaaan, que tal exàmens??? com han anat???
jo els he acabaaaaaaaaaaat avuiiiiii:)
io avui ja he començat a llegir el harry:) vaigha continuar-lo!
petonàs a toooots!
Primera mossegada! :D M'agrada. Sento contestar tan tard, però és que el meu vici interneteru s'està extingint d'una manera preocupant... No, suposo que és el temps.
No havia sentit res del Glen Hansard fora de Once, i m'agrada :) Però és molt triiista... Crec que em quedo amb les cançons de Once. PEr cert, l'has vist ja?
gaudiu de la llibertaaaaaaaaaaaaat! I del Harry!! Ehh, això val pels dos (Marta i Ger) ;)
un petunàs!!